Integrating domain specific modeling editors

The DevOps Modeling Platform supports the integration of domain specific modeling editors within HCL Model RealTime. The platform supports domains implemented using EMF as well as models implemented using plain old java objects (POJO).

Thanks to the Metamodel Integration (MMI) framework, domains whose specification does not include notation can be be integrated! It is even possible to integrate domains without implementing their diagram support; MMI allows the use of another domain's notation instead. For instance, J2EE modeling is possible using UML's notation.

EMF-based domain modeling editors can leverage the Domain Modeling Layer of the DevOps Modeling Platform to support advanced capabilities such as: model indexing support, model migration support, and signature support.

GMF-based domain specific modeling editors, either handcrafted or generated using GMF's tooling components, can be adapted to integrate within the UML Modeler of the DevOps Modeling Platform. This allows new diagram types to be added as well as mixing UML and domain specific notation within a diagram. Because GMF-based domain specific modeling editors are using EMF to manage their models, these can be greatly enhanced by leveraging the aforementioned Domain Modeling Layer subsystems.

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