The Eclipse initialization file eclipse.ini
contains various options that affect how the application runs. You find this file in the Eclipse installation folder. It is recommended to make some modifications in this file once Model RealTime has been installed:
Ensure the option -Xnolinenumbers is not set
If this option is set, callstacks in the Error log and in thread dumps do not display line numbers. This makes it harder for the Model RealTime development team to make any use of such callstacks, for example, when you submit a problem report. It is recommended not to have this option set.
Tune the heap size using the option -Xmx
To get acceptable performance when working with large models, you might need to increase the Java VM heap size that is specified by this option. It is recommended to increase the default value to at least -Xmx1000m (1 Gb of heap size). In general, if you experience slow performance with or without out-of-memory problems, you should ensure that the heap size is big enough before reporting a problem to HCL.
Do not use -XX:+UseG1GC
This option tells the Java VM to use the G1 Garbage collector (a server-style garbage collector, targeted for multi-processor machines with large memories). Having this option set may dramatically influence build performance negatively, so it is not recommended to use it.