Art Exporter

The Art Exporter is a utility for exporting (parts of) your models to Art files. Those Art files can then be used with Code RealTime. The current version of the Art Exporter aims at exporting data types only, to facilitate reuse of existing data types created in Model RealTime in applications developed with Code RealTime. Future versions will support full migration of Model RealTime applications.


  1. Download the latest version (1.0.2) of the Art Exporter.
  2. Perform Help - Install New Software
  3. Press the Add button and give a unique name to the P2 repository (e.g. ArtExporter_<today's date>). Then press the Archive button and browse to the location where you saved the Art Exporter ZIP file. Press the OK button.
  4. Mark all checkboxes and press Next.
  5. Accept the license agreement and press Next.
  6. Press Finish to start the installation. Once it is completed you will be prompted to restart Model RealTime. Do so.

Exporting Models

  1. Start the Art Exporter from File - Export. Under the Modeling category select Art Files for Code RealTime and press Next.

  1. Specify one or many model files from the workspace under Source. These models will be exported to Art files.
  2. Under Destination select either a project in your workspace, or a directory in the file system. Generated Art files will be placed in subfolders in the specified location. There will be one subfolder for each project to which the selected model files belong.
  3. Click Finish to export the models to Art files.

To use the exported Art files, add them as workspace folders in Code RealTime.

Note that you can create additional Art files and TC files as required in these workspace folders in Code RealTime. Just make sure to give them names that won't clash with the names of generated Art files. Thereby you can re-export the source models if you have changed them in Model RealTime, or want to export them with some different settings.

In the example below three Art files (in two workspace folders) have been exported. The other Art file ( and the TC file (app.tcjs) have been manually created in Code RealTime.

Release Notes and Versions

1.0.2 (March 18, 2025)

This release includes support for C++ General Property page values, including default constructors, copy constructors, assignment operators, etc. Additionally, the Art Exporter now processes interfaces and a bug that caused issues with resolving paths when the project was not in the workspace has been fixed.

1.0.1 (January 24, 2025)

This release fixes incorrect return types for constructors and destructors, ensures the generation of inline operations in header files, adds dependencies support, implements missing static attributes and operations, corrects the translation of delete operations, and includes support for code snippets for types.

1.0.0 (December 13, 2024)

Initial version with support for exporting data types (classes, structs, unions, enumerations and typedefs). Basic support for attributes, operations, nested types (one level) and inheritance.