Adding and Editing Build Variables

Use the Define a New Build Variable dialog box to add local build variables or the Edit Existing Build Variable dialog box to edit a previously defined variable. Both are accessible from the Build Variables preference panel.

Define a New Build Variable

  1. Click Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Build > Build Variables
  2. Click Add... in the Build Variables preference panel to open the Define a New Build Variables dialog box
  3. Enter the variable name
  4. Choose a variable type
  5. Enter the variables value
  6. Click OK

Define a New Build Variable dialog box

Define a New Build Variable/Edit Existing Build Variable Dialog Box Options
Option Description
Variable name Enter the variable name.
Type Choose the variable type from the available list.
Value Enter or edit the value of the variable.

Edit Existing Build Variable

  1. Click Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Build > Build Variables
  2. Select the local build variable to edit in the Build Variables preference panel
  3. Click Edit... to open the Edit Existing Build Variable dialog box
  4. Change the variable type (optional)
  5. Edit the variables value (optional)
  6. Click OK

Define a New Build Variable dialog box

Related reference
Build Variables preferences

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