Composite Cheat Sheets



The schema definition for a composite cheat sheet content file. A composite cheat sheet consists of a set of tasks organized into task groups. Each task can be a simple cheat sheet or a user contributed task kind. (machine readable XML schema.

Configuration Markup:

<!ELEMENT compositeCheatsheet (taskGroup | task)>

<!ATTLIST compositeCheatsheet


The root element of a composite cheatsheet

<!ELEMENT taskGroup ((task | taskGroup)+ , intro? , onCompletion? , dependsOn*)>

<!ATTLIST taskGroup

kind (set|sequence|choice) "set"



skip (true | false) "false">

A task group represents a collection of related tasks. If the kind is "choice" only one of the child tasks need to be completed. If the kind is "set" or "sequence" all children must be completed. Note that the child elements <task>, <taskGroup>, <intro>, <onCompletion> and <dependsOn> may occur in any order. The order of the <task> and <taskGroup> elements determines the order in which they will be displayed and in the case of a sequence the order in which they must be performed.

<!ELEMENT task (intro? , onCompletion? , param* , dependsOn*)>

<!ATTLIST task

kind CDATA "set"



skip (true | false) "false">

A leaf task within a composite cheat sheet. A task does not have children, but it does have a task editor which shows in the lower/right hand pane of the cheat sheet view. The task kind determines which task editor will be opened, a task kind of "cheatsheet" represents a simple cheatsheet. Other task kinds may be contributed. Note that the child elements <intro>, <onCompletion>, <param> and <dependsOn> may occur in any order.


<!ATTLIST param



A parameter to a task within a composite cheatsheet. Each parameter has a name and value, both of which are strings. A task may have any number of parameters, two parameters for a single task may not share the same name.

<!ELEMENT intro (#PCDATA)>

Contains the text which will be displayed before this task has been started. May contain form text markup.

<!ELEMENT onCompletion (#PCDATA)>

Contains the text which will be displayed in the completion panel for this task. May contain form text markup.

<!ELEMENT dependsOn EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST dependsOn


Creates a dependency between two tasks or subtasks.

Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0