Analysis Framework | ||
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Event matching and trace synchronization | TMF Remote API |
Analysis modules are useful to tell the user exactly what can be done with a trace. The analysis framework provides an easy way to access and execute the modules and open the various outputs available.
Analyses can have parameters they can use in their code. They also have outputs registered to them to display the results from their execution.
All analysis modules must implement the IAnalysisModule interface from the o.e.l.tmf.core project. An abstract class, TmfAbstractAnalysisModule, provides a good base implementation. It is strongly suggested to use it as a superclass of any new analysis.
This example shows how to add a simple analysis module for an LTTng kernel trace with two parameters. It also specifies two mandatory events by overriding getAnalysisRequirements. The analysis requirements are further explained in the section Providing requirements to analyses.
public class MyLttngKernelAnalysis extends TmfAbstractAnalysisModule { public static final String PARAM1 = "myparam"; public static final String PARAM2 = "myotherparam"; @Override public Iterable<TmfAnalysisRequirement> getAnalysisRequirements() { // initialize the requirement: events Set<@NonNull String> requiredEvents = ImmutableSet.of("sched_switch", "sched_wakeup"); TmfAbstractAnalysisRequirement eventsReq = new TmfAnalysisEventRequirement(requiredEvents, PriorityLevel.MANDATORY); return ImmutableList.of(eventsReq); } @Override protected void canceling() { /* The job I am running in is being cancelled, let's clean up */ } @Override protected boolean executeAnalysis(final IProgressMonitor monitor) { /* * I am running in an Eclipse job, and I already know I can execute * on a given trace. * * In the end, I will return true if I was successfully completed or * false if I was either interrupted or something wrong occurred. */ Object param1 = getParameter(PARAM1); int param2 = (Integer) getParameter(PARAM2); } @Override public Object getParameter(String name) { Object value = super.getParameter(name); /* Make sure the value of param2 is of the right type. For sake of simplicity, the full parameter format validation is not presented here */ if ((value != null) && name.equals(PARAM2) && (value instanceof String)) { return Integer.parseInt((String) value); } return value; } }
The following are available as base classes for analysis modules. They also extend the abstract TmfAbstractAnalysisModule
The following interfaces can optionally be implemented by analysis modules if they use their functionalities. For instance, some utility views, like the State System Explorer, may have access to the module's data through these interfaces.
Analyses are managed through the TmfAnalysisManager. The analysis manager is a singleton in the application and keeps track of all available analysis modules, with the help of IAnalysisModuleHelper. It can be queried to get the available analysis modules, either all of them or only those for a given tracetype. The helpers contain the non-trace specific information on an analysis module: its id, its name, the tracetypes it applies to, etc.
When a trace is opened, the helpers for the applicable analysis create new instances of the analysis modules. The analyses are then kept in a field of the trace and can be executed automatically or on demand.
The analysis is executed by calling the IAnalysisModule#schedule() method. This method makes sure the analysis is executed only once and, if it is already running, it won't start again. The analysis itself is run inside an Eclipse job that can be cancelled by the user or the application. The developer must consider the progress monitor that comes as a parameter of the executeAnalysis() method, to handle the proper cancellation of the processing. The IAnalysisModule#waitForCompletion() method will block the calling thread until the analysis is completed. The method will return whether the analysis was successfully completed or if it was cancelled.
A running analysis can be cancelled by calling the IAnalysisModule#cancel() method. This will set the analysis as done, so it cannot start again unless it is explicitly reset. This is done by calling the protected method resetAnalysis.
Now that the analysis module class exists, it is time to hook it to the rest of TMF so that it appears under the traces in the project explorer. The way to do so is to add an extension of type org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.analysis to a plugin, either through the Extensions tab of the Plug-in Manifest Editor or by editing directly the plugin.xml file.
The following code shows what the resulting plugin.xml file should look like.
<extension point="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.analysis"> <module id="" name="My LTTng Kernel Analysis" analysis_module="my.plugin.package.MyLttngKernelAnalysis" applies_experiment="false" automatic="true"> <parameter name="myparam"> </parameter> <parameter default_value="3" name="myotherparam" /> <tracetype class="org.eclipse.tracecompass.lttng2.kernel.core.trace.LttngKernelTrace"> </tracetype> </module> </extension>
This defines an analysis module where the analysis_module attribute corresponds to the module class and must implement IAnalysisModule. This module has 2 parameters: myparam and myotherparam which has default value of 3. The tracetype element tells which tracetypes this analysis applies to. There can be many tracetypes. Also, the automatic attribute of the module indicates whether this analysis should be run when the trace is opened, or wait for the user's explicit request.
Since experiments are traces too, it is possible to develop an analysis to work on experiment by setting the tracetype to the experiment's ID (the ID for the default experiment is org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.core.trace.experiment.TmfExperiment). Setting the applies_experiment attribute to true creates a new instance of the analysis for an experiment that contains any trace of the correct type. This analysis runs on the whole experiment and will process all events. It is useful for analysis that are enhanced with data from multiple traces.
Note that with these extension points, it is possible to use the same module class for more than one analysis (with different ids and names). That is a desirable behavior. For instance, a third party plugin may add a new tracetype different from the one the module is meant for, but on which the analysis can run. Also, different analyses could provide different results with the same module class but with different default values of parameters.
Analyses will typically produce outputs the user can examine. Outputs can be a text dump, a .dot file, an XML file, a view, etc. All output types must implement the IAnalysisOutput interface.
An output can be registered to an analysis module at any moment by calling the IAnalysisModule#registerOutput() method. Analyses themselves may know what outputs are available and may register them in the analysis constructor or after analysis completion.
The various concrete output types are:
Analysis outputs can also be hooked to an analysis using the same extension point org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.analysis in the plugin.xml file. Outputs can be matched either to a specific analysis identified by an ID, or to all analysis modules extending or implementing a given class or interface.
The following code shows how to add a view output to the analysis defined above directly in the plugin.xml file. This extension does not have to be in the same plugin as the extension defining the analysis. Typically, an analysis module can be defined in a core plugin, along with some outputs that do not require UI elements. Other outputs, like views, who need UI elements, will be defined in a ui plugin.
<extension point="org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.analysis"> <output class="org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.analysis.TmfAnalysisViewOutput" id="my.plugin.package.ui.views.myView"> <analysisId id=""> </analysisId> </output> <output class="org.eclipse.tracecompass.tmf.ui.analysis.TmfAnalysisViewOutput" id="my.plugin.package.ui.views.myMoreGenericView"> <analysisModuleClass class="my.plugin.package.core.MyAnalysisModuleClass"> </analysisModuleClass> </output> </extension>
For now, the only way to provide a meaningful help message to the user is by overriding the IAnalysisModule#getHelpText() method and return a string that will be displayed in a message box.
What still needs to be implemented is for a way to add a full user/developer documentation with mediawiki text file for each module and automatically add it to Eclipse Help. Clicking on the Help menu item of an analysis module would open the corresponding page in the help.
An analysis may have parameters that can be used during its execution. Default values can be set when describing the analysis module in the plugin.xml file, or they can use the IAnalysisParameterProvider interface to provide values for parameters. TmfAbstractAnalysisParamProvider provides an abstract implementation of this interface, that automatically notifies the module of a parameter change.
The following example shows how to have a parameter provider listen to a selection in the LTTng kernel Control Flow view and send the thread id to the analysis.
public class MyLttngKernelParameterProvider extends TmfAbstractAnalysisParamProvider { private ControlFlowEntry fCurrentEntry = null; private static final String NAME = "My Lttng kernel parameter provider"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private ISelectionListener selListener = new ISelectionListener() { @Override public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection) { if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) { Object element = ((IStructuredSelection) selection).getFirstElement(); if (element instanceof ControlFlowEntry) { ControlFlowEntry entry = (ControlFlowEntry) element; setCurrentThreadEntry(entry); } } } }; /* * Constructor */ public MyLttngKernelParameterProvider() { super(); registerListener(); } @Override public String getName() { return NAME; } @Override public Object getParameter(String name) { if (fCurrentEntry == null) { return null; } if (name.equals(MyLttngKernelAnalysis.PARAM1)) { return fCurrentEntry.getThreadId(); } return null; } @Override public boolean appliesToTrace(ITmfTrace trace) { return (trace instanceof LttngKernelTrace); } private void setCurrentThreadEntry(ControlFlowEntry entry) { if (!entry.equals(fCurrentEntry)) { fCurrentEntry = entry; this.notifyParameterChanged(MyLttngKernelAnalysis.PARAM1); } } private void registerListener() { final IWorkbench wb = PlatformUI.getWorkbench(); final IWorkbenchPage activePage = wb.getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage(); /* Add the listener to the control flow view */ view = activePage.findView(ControlFlowView.ID); if (view != null) { view.getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().getSelectionService().addPostSelectionListener(selListener); view.getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().getPartService().addPartListener(partListener); } } }
To have the parameter provider class register to analysis modules, it must first register through the analysis manager. It can be done in a plugin's activator as follows:
@Override public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { /* ... */ TmfAnalysisManager.registerParameterProvider("", MyLttngKernelParameterProvider.class) }
where MyLttngKernelParameterProvider will be registered to analysis "". When the analysis module is created, the new module will register automatically to the singleton parameter provider instance. Only one module is registered to a parameter provider at a given time, the one corresponding to the currently selected trace.
A requirement defines the needs of an analysis. For example, an analysis could need an event named "sched_switch" in order to be properly executed. The requirements are represented by extending the class TmfAbstractAnalysisRequirement. Since IAnalysisModule extends the IAnalysisRequirementProvider interface, all analysis modules must provide their requirements. If the analysis module extends TmfAbstractAnalysisModule, it has the choice between overriding the requirements getter ( IAnalysisRequirementProvider#getAnalysisRequirements()) or not, since the abstract class returns an empty collection by default (no requirements).
Each concrete analysis requirement class will define how a requirement is verified on a given trace. When creating a requirement, the developer will specify a set of values for that class. With an 'event' type requirement, a trace generator like the LTTng Control could automatically enable the required events. Another point we have to take into consideration is the priority level when creating a requirement object. The enum TmfAbstractAnalysisRequirement#PriorityLevel gives the choice between PriorityLevel#OPTIONAL, PriorityLevel#ALL_OR_NOTHING, PriorityLevel#AT_LEAST_ONE or PriorityLevel#MANDATORY. That way, we can tell if an analysis can run without a value or not.
To create a requirement one has the choice to extend the abstract class TmfAbstractAnalysisRequirement or use the existing implementations: TmfAnalysisEventRequirement (will verify the presence of events identified by name), TmfAnalysisEventFieldRequirement (will verify the presence of fields for some or all events) or TmfCompositeAnalysisRequirement (join requirements together with one of the priority levels).
Moreover, information can be added to requirements. That way, the developer can explicitly give help details at the requirement level instead of at the analysis level (which would just be a general help text). To add information to a requirement, the method TmfAnalysisRequirement#addInformation() must be called. Adding information is not mandatory.
In this example, we will implement a method that initializes a requirement object and return it in the IAnalysisRequirementProvider#getAnalysisRequirements() getter. The example method will return a set with three requirements. The first one will indicate a mandatory event needed by a specific analysis, the second one will tell an optional event name and the third will indicate mandatory event fields for the given event type.
Note that in LTTng event contexts are considered as event fields. Using the TmfAnalysisEventFieldRequirement it's possible to define requirements on event contexts (see 3rd requirement in example below).
@Override public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull TmfAbstractAnalysisRequirement> getAnalysisRequirements() { /* Requirement on event name */ Set<@NonNull String> requiredEvents = ImmutableSet.of("sched_wakeup"); TmfAbstractAnalysisRequirement eventsReq1 = new TmfAnalysisEventRequirement(requiredEvents, PriorityLevel.MANDATORY); requiredEvents = ImmutableSet.of("sched_switch"); TmfAbstractAnalysisRequirement eventsReq2 = new TmfAnalysisEventRequirement(requiredEvents, PriorityLevel.OPTIONAL); /* An information about the events */ eventsReq2.addInformation("The event sched_wakeup is optional because it's not properly handled by this analysis yet."); /* Requirement on event fields */ Set<@NonNull String> requiredEventFields = ImmutableSet.of("context._procname", "context._ip"); TmfAbstractAnalysisRequirement eventFieldRequirement = new TmfAnalysisEventFieldRequirement( "event name", requiredEventFields, PriorityLevel.MANDATORY); Set<TmfAbstractAnalysisRequirement> requirements = ImmutableSet.of(eventsReq1, eventsReq2, eventFieldRequirement); return requirements; }
Here's a list of features not yet implemented that would improve the analysis module user experience:
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Event matching and trace synchronization | TMF Remote API |