Performance Tests | ||
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TMF Remote API | Network Tracing |
Performance testing allows to calculate some metrics (CPU time, Memory Usage, etc.) that some part of the code takes during its execution. These metrics can then be used as is for information on the system's execution, or they can be compared either with other execution scenarios, or previous runs of the same scenario, for instance, after some optimization has been done on the code.
For automatic performance metric computation, we use the org.eclipse.test.performance plugin, provided by the Eclipse Test Feature.
Performance tests are unit tests and they are added to the corresponding unit tests plugin. To separate performance tests from unit tests, a separate source folder, typically named perf, is added to the plug-in.
Tests are to be added to a package under the perf directory, the package name would typically match the name of the package it is testing. For each package, a class named AllPerfTests would list all the performance tests classes inside this package. And like for unit tests, a class named AllPerfTests for the plug-in would list all the packages' AllPerfTests classes.
When adding performance tests for the first time in a plug-in, the plug-in's AllPerfTests class should be added to the global list of performance tests, found in package org.eclipse.tracecompass.alltests, in class RunAllPerfTests. This will ensure that performance tests for the plug-in are run along with the other performance tests
TMF is using the org.eclipse.test.performance framework for performance tests. Using this, performance metrics are automatically taken and, if many runs of the tests are run, average and standard deviation are automatically computed. Results can optionally be stored to a database for later use.
Here is an example of how to use the test framework in a performance test:
public class AnalysisBenchmark { private static final String TEST_ID = "org.eclipse.linuxtools#LTTng kernel analysis"; private static final CtfTmfTestTrace testTrace = CtfTmfTestTrace.TRACE2; private static final int LOOP_COUNT = 10; /** * Performance test */ @Test public void testTrace() { assumeTrue(testTrace.exists()); /** Create a new performance meter for this scenario */ Performance perf = Performance.getDefault(); PerformanceMeter pm = perf.createPerformanceMeter(TEST_ID); /** Optionally, tag this test for summary or global summary on a given dimension */ perf.tagAsSummary(pm, "LTTng Kernel Analysis", Dimension.CPU_TIME); perf.tagAsGlobalSummary(pm, "LTTng Kernel Analysis", Dimension.CPU_TIME); /** The test will be run LOOP_COUNT times */ for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_COUNT; i++) { /** Start each run of the test with new objects to avoid different code paths */ try (IAnalysisModule module = new KernelAnalysis(); LttngKernelTrace trace = new LttngKernelTrace()) { module.setId("test"); trace.initTrace(null, testTrace.getPath(), CtfTmfEvent.class); module.setTrace(trace); /** The analysis execution is being tested, so performance metrics * are taken before and after the execution */ pm.start(); TmfTestHelper.executeAnalysis(module); pm.stop(); /* * Delete the supplementary files, so next iteration rebuilds * the state system. */ File suppDir = new File(TmfTraceManager.getSupplementaryFileDir(trace)); for (File file : suppDir.listFiles()) { file.delete(); } } catch (TmfAnalysisException | TmfTraceException e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } /** Once the test has been run many times, committing the results will * calculate average, standard deviation, and, if configured, save the * data to a database */ pm.commit(); } }
For more information, see The Eclipse Performance Test How-to
Some rules to help write performance tests are explained in section ABC of performance testing.
Performance tests are unit tests, so, just like unit tests, they can be run by right-clicking on a performance test class and selecting Run As -> Junit Plug-in Test.
By default, if no database has been configured, results will be displayed in the Console at the end of the test.
Here is the sample output from the test described in the previous section. It shows all the metrics that have been calculated during the test.
Scenario 'org.eclipse.linuxtools#LTTng kernel analysis' (average over 10 samples): System Time: 3.04s (95% in [2.77s, 3.3s]) Measurable effect: 464ms (1.3 SDs) (required sample size for an effect of 5% of mean: 94) Used Java Heap: -1.43M (95% in [-33.67M, 30.81M]) Measurable effect: 57.01M (1.3 SDs) (required sample size for an effect of 5% of stdev: 6401) Working Set: 14.43M (95% in [-966.01K, 29.81M]) Measurable effect: 27.19M (1.3 SDs) (required sample size for an effect of 5% of stdev: 6400) Elapsed Process: 3.04s (95% in [2.77s, 3.3s]) Measurable effect: 464ms (1.3 SDs) (required sample size for an effect of 5% of mean: 94) Kernel time: 621ms (95% in [586ms, 655ms]) Measurable effect: 60ms (1.3 SDs) (required sample size for an effect of 5% of mean: 39) CPU Time: 6.06s (95% in [5.02s, 7.09s]) Measurable effect: 1.83s (1.3 SDs) (required sample size for an effect of 5% of mean: 365) Hard Page Faults: 0 (95% in [0, 0]) Measurable effect: 0 (1.3 SDs) (required sample size for an effect of 5% of stdev: 6400) Soft Page Faults: 9.27K (95% in [3.28K, 15.27K]) Measurable effect: 10.6K (1.3 SDs) (required sample size for an effect of 5% of mean: 5224) Text Size: 0 (95% in [0, 0]) Data Size: 0 (95% in [0, 0]) Library Size: 32.5M (95% in [-12.69M, 77.69M]) Measurable effect: 79.91M (1.3 SDs) (required sample size for an effect of 5% of stdev: 6401)
Results from performance tests can be saved automatically to a derby database. Derby can be run either in embedded mode, locally on a machine, or on a server. More information on setting up derby for performance tests can be found here: The Eclipse Performance Test How-to. The following documentation will show how to configure an Eclipse run configuration to store results on a derby database located on a server.
Note that to store results in a derby database, the org.apache.derby plug-in must be available within your Eclipse. Since it is an optional dependency, it is not included in the target definition. It can be installed via the Orbit repository, in Help -> Install new software.... If the Orbit repository is not listed, click on the latest one from and copy the link under Orbit Build Repository.
To store the data to a database, it needs to be configured in the run configuration. In Run -> Run configurations.., under Junit Plug-in Test, find the run configuration that corresponds to the test you wish to run, or create one if it is not present yet.
In the Arguments tab, in the box under VM Arguments, add on separate lines the following information
-Declipse.perf.dbloc=// -Declipse.perf.config=build=mybuild;host=myhost;config=linux;jvm=1.7
The eclipse.perf.dbloc parameter is the url (or filename) of the derby database. The database is by default named perfDB, with username and password guest/''guest''. If the database does not exist, it will be created, initialized and populated.
The eclipse.perf.config parameter identifies a variation: It typically identifies the build on which is it run (commitId and/or build date, etc.), the machine (host) on which it is run, the configuration of the system (for example Linux or Windows), the jvm, etc. That parameter is a list of ';' separated key-value pairs. To be backward-compatible with the Eclipse Performance Tests Framework, the 4 keys mentioned above are mandatory, but any key-value pairs can be used.
Here follow some rules to help design good and meaningful performance tests.
For tests to be significant, it is important to choose what exactly is to be tested and make sure it is reproducible every run. To limit the amount of noise caused by the TMF framework, the performance test code should be tweaked so that only the method under test is run. For instance, a trace should not be "opened" (by calling the traceOpened() method) to test an analysis, since the traceOpened method will also trigger the indexing and the execution of all applicable automatic analysis.
For each code path to test, multiple scenarios can be defined. For instance, an analysis could be run on different traces, with different sizes. The results will show how the system scales and/or varies depending on the objects it is executed on.
The number of samples used to compute the results is also important. The code to test will typically be inside a for loop that runs exactly the same code each time for a given number of times. All objects used for the test must start in the same state at each iteration of the loop. For instance, any trace used during an execution should be disposed of at the end of the loop, and any supplementary file that may have been generated in the run should be deleted.
Before submitting a performance test to the code review, you should run it a few times (with results in the Console) and see if the standard deviation is not too large and if the results are reproducible.
CPU time: CPU time represent the total time spent on CPU by the current process, for the time of the test execution. It is the sum of the time spent by all threads. On one hand, it is more significant than the elapsed time, since it should be the same no matter how many CPU cores the computer has. But since it calculates the time of every thread, one has to make sure that only threads related to what is being tested are executed during that time, or else the results will include the times of those other threads. For an application like TMF, it is hard to control all the threads, and empirically, it is found to vary a lot more than the system time from one run to the other.
System time (Elapsed time): The time between the start and the end of the execution. It will vary depending on the parallelization of the threads and the load of the machine.
Kernel time: Time spent in kernel mode
Used Java Heap: It is the difference between the memory used at the beginning of the execution and at the end. This metric may be useful to calculate the overall size occupied by the data generated by the test run, by forcing a garbage collection before taking the metrics at the beginning and at the end of the execution. But it will not show the memory used throughout the execution. There can be a large standard deviation. The reason for this is that when benchmarking methods that trigger tasks in different threads, like signals and/or analysis, these other threads might be in various states at each run of the test, which will impact the memory usage calculated. When using this metric, either make sure the method to test does not trigger external threads or make sure you wait for them to finish.
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TMF Remote API | Network Tracing |