Interface Summary | |
Abstraction | A representation of the model object 'Abstraction' |
AcceptCallAction | A representation of the model object 'Accept Call Action' |
AcceptEventAction | A representation of the model object 'Accept Event Action' |
Action | A representation of the model object 'Action' |
ActionExecutionSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Action Execution Specification' |
ActionInputPin | A representation of the model object 'Action Input Pin' |
Activity | A representation of the model object 'Activity' |
ActivityEdge | A representation of the model object 'Activity Edge' |
ActivityFinalNode | A representation of the model object 'Activity Final Node' |
ActivityGroup | A representation of the model object 'Activity Group' |
ActivityNode | A representation of the model object 'Activity Node' |
ActivityParameterNode | A representation of the model object 'Activity Parameter Node' |
ActivityPartition | A representation of the model object 'Activity Partition' |
Actor | A representation of the model object 'Actor' |
AddStructuralFeatureValueAction | A representation of the model object 'Add Structural Feature Value Action' |
AddVariableValueAction | A representation of the model object 'Add Variable Value Action' |
AnyReceiveEvent | A representation of the model object 'Any Receive Event' |
Artifact | A representation of the model object 'Artifact' |
Association | A representation of the model object 'Association' |
AssociationClass | A representation of the model object 'Association Class' |
Behavior | A representation of the model object 'Behavior' |
BehavioralFeature | A representation of the model object 'Behavioral Feature' |
BehavioredClassifier | A representation of the model object 'Behaviored Classifier' |
BehaviorExecutionSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Behavior Execution Specification' |
BroadcastSignalAction | A representation of the model object 'Broadcast Signal Action' |
CallAction | A representation of the model object 'Call Action' |
CallBehaviorAction | A representation of the model object 'Call Behavior Action' |
CallEvent | A representation of the model object 'Call Event' |
CallOperationAction | A representation of the model object 'Call Operation Action' |
CentralBufferNode | A representation of the model object 'Central Buffer Node' |
ChangeEvent | A representation of the model object 'Change Event' |
Class | A representation of the model object 'Class' |
Classifier | A representation of the model object 'Classifier' |
ClassifierTemplateParameter | A representation of the model object 'Classifier Template Parameter' |
Clause | A representation of the model object 'Clause' |
ClearAssociationAction | A representation of the model object 'Clear Association Action' |
ClearStructuralFeatureAction | A representation of the model object 'Clear Structural Feature Action' |
ClearVariableAction | A representation of the model object 'Clear Variable Action' |
Collaboration | A representation of the model object 'Collaboration' |
CollaborationUse | A representation of the model object 'Collaboration Use' |
CombinedFragment | A representation of the model object 'Combined Fragment' |
Comment | A representation of the model object 'Comment' |
CommunicationPath | A representation of the model object 'Communication Path' |
Component | A representation of the model object 'Component' |
ComponentRealization | A representation of the model object 'Component Realization' |
ConditionalNode | A representation of the model object 'Conditional Node' |
ConnectableElement | A representation of the model object 'Connectable Element' |
ConnectableElementTemplateParameter | A representation of the model object 'Connectable Element Template Parameter' |
ConnectionPointReference | A representation of the model object 'Connection Point Reference' |
Connector | A representation of the model object 'Connector' |
ConnectorEnd | A representation of the model object 'Connector End' |
ConsiderIgnoreFragment | A representation of the model object 'Consider Ignore Fragment' |
Constraint | A representation of the model object 'Constraint' |
Continuation | A representation of the model object 'Continuation' |
ControlFlow | A representation of the model object 'Control Flow' |
ControlNode | A representation of the model object 'Control Node' |
CreateLinkAction | A representation of the model object 'Create Link Action' |
CreateLinkObjectAction | A representation of the model object 'Create Link Object Action' |
CreateObjectAction | A representation of the model object 'Create Object Action' |
CreationEvent | A representation of the model object 'Creation Event' |
DataStoreNode | A representation of the model object 'Data Store Node' |
DataType | A representation of the model object 'Data Type' |
DecisionNode | A representation of the model object 'Decision Node' |
Dependency | A representation of the model object 'Dependency' |
DeployedArtifact | A representation of the model object 'Deployed Artifact' |
Deployment | A representation of the model object 'Deployment' |
DeploymentSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Deployment Specification' |
DeploymentTarget | A representation of the model object 'Deployment Target' |
DestroyLinkAction | A representation of the model object 'Destroy Link Action' |
DestroyObjectAction | A representation of the model object 'Destroy Object Action' |
DestructionEvent | A representation of the model object 'Destruction Event' |
Device | A representation of the model object 'Device' |
DirectedRelationship | A representation of the model object 'Directed Relationship' |
Duration | A representation of the model object 'Duration' |
DurationConstraint | A representation of the model object 'Duration Constraint' |
DurationInterval | A representation of the model object 'Duration Interval' |
DurationObservation | A representation of the model object 'Duration Observation' |
Element | A representation of the model object 'Element' |
ElementImport | A representation of the model object 'Element Import' |
EncapsulatedClassifier | A representation of the model object 'Encapsulated Classifier' |
Enumeration | A representation of the model object 'Enumeration' |
EnumerationLiteral | A representation of the model object 'Enumeration Literal' |
Event | A representation of the model object 'Event' |
ExceptionHandler | A representation of the model object 'Exception Handler' |
ExecutableNode | A representation of the model object 'Executable Node' |
ExecutionEnvironment | A representation of the model object 'Execution Environment' |
ExecutionEvent | A representation of the model object 'Execution Event' |
ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Execution Occurrence Specification' |
ExecutionSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Execution Specification' |
ExpansionNode | A representation of the model object 'Expansion Node' |
ExpansionRegion | A representation of the model object 'Expansion Region' |
Expression | A representation of the model object 'Expression' |
Extend | A representation of the model object 'Extend' |
Extension | A representation of the model object 'Extension' |
ExtensionEnd | A representation of the model object 'Extension End' |
ExtensionPoint | A representation of the model object 'Extension Point' |
Feature | A representation of the model object 'Feature' |
FinalNode | A representation of the model object 'Final Node' |
FinalState | A representation of the model object 'Final State' |
FlowFinalNode | A representation of the model object 'Flow Final Node' |
ForkNode | A representation of the model object 'Fork Node' |
FunctionBehavior | A representation of the model object 'Function Behavior' |
Gate | A representation of the model object 'Gate' |
Generalization | A representation of the model object 'Generalization' |
GeneralizationSet | A representation of the model object 'Generalization Set' |
GeneralOrdering | A representation of the model object 'General Ordering' |
Image | A representation of the model object 'Image' |
Include | A representation of the model object 'Include' |
InformationFlow | A representation of the model object 'Information Flow' |
InformationItem | A representation of the model object 'Information Item' |
InitialNode | A representation of the model object 'Initial Node' |
InputPin | A representation of the model object 'Input Pin' |
InstanceSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Instance Specification' |
InstanceValue | A representation of the model object 'Instance Value' |
Interaction | A representation of the model object 'Interaction' |
InteractionConstraint | A representation of the model object 'Interaction Constraint' |
InteractionFragment | A representation of the model object 'Interaction Fragment' |
InteractionOperand | A representation of the model object 'Interaction Operand' |
InteractionUse | A representation of the model object 'Interaction Use' |
Interface | A representation of the model object 'Interface' |
InterfaceRealization | A representation of the model object 'Interface Realization' |
InterruptibleActivityRegion | A representation of the model object 'Interruptible Activity Region' |
Interval | A representation of the model object 'Interval' |
IntervalConstraint | A representation of the model object 'Interval Constraint' |
InvocationAction | A representation of the model object 'Invocation Action' |
JoinNode | A representation of the model object 'Join Node' |
Lifeline | A representation of the model object 'Lifeline' |
LinkAction | A representation of the model object 'Link Action' |
LinkEndCreationData | A representation of the model object 'Link End Creation Data' |
LinkEndData | A representation of the model object 'Link End Data' |
LinkEndDestructionData | A representation of the model object 'Link End Destruction Data' |
LiteralBoolean | A representation of the model object 'Literal Boolean' |
LiteralInteger | A representation of the model object 'Literal Integer' |
LiteralNull | A representation of the model object 'Literal Null' |
LiteralSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Literal Specification' |
LiteralString | A representation of the model object 'Literal String' |
LiteralUnlimitedNatural | A representation of the model object 'Literal Unlimited Natural' |
LoopNode | A representation of the model object 'Loop Node' |
Manifestation | A representation of the model object 'Manifestation' |
MergeNode | A representation of the model object 'Merge Node' |
Message | A representation of the model object 'Message' |
MessageEnd | A representation of the model object 'Message End' |
MessageEvent | A representation of the model object 'Message Event' |
MessageOccurrenceSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Message Occurrence Specification' |
Model | A representation of the model object 'Model' |
MultiplicityElement | A representation of the model object 'Multiplicity Element' |
NamedElement | A representation of the model object 'Named Element' |
Namespace | A representation of the model object 'Namespace' |
Node | A representation of the model object 'Node' |
ObjectFlow | A representation of the model object 'Object Flow' |
ObjectNode | A representation of the model object 'Object Node' |
Observation | A representation of the model object 'Observation' |
OccurrenceSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Occurrence Specification' |
OpaqueAction | A representation of the model object 'Opaque Action' |
OpaqueBehavior | A representation of the model object 'Opaque Behavior' |
OpaqueExpression | A representation of the model object 'Opaque Expression' |
Operation | A representation of the model object 'Operation' |
OperationTemplateParameter | A representation of the model object 'Operation Template Parameter' |
OutputPin | A representation of the model object 'Output Pin' |
Package | A representation of the model object 'Package' |
PackageableElement | A representation of the model object 'Packageable Element' |
PackageImport | A representation of the model object 'Package Import' |
PackageMerge | A representation of the model object 'Package Merge' |
Parameter | A representation of the model object 'Parameter' |
ParameterableElement | A representation of the model object 'Parameterable Element' |
ParameterSet | A representation of the model object 'Parameter Set' |
PartDecomposition | A representation of the model object 'Part Decomposition' |
Pin | A representation of the model object 'Pin' |
Port | A representation of the model object 'Port' |
PrimitiveType | A representation of the model object 'Primitive Type' |
Profile | A representation of the model object 'Profile' |
ProfileApplication | A representation of the model object 'Profile Application' |
Property | A representation of the model object 'Property' |
ProtocolConformance | A representation of the model object 'Protocol Conformance' |
ProtocolStateMachine | A representation of the model object 'Protocol State Machine' |
ProtocolTransition | A representation of the model object 'Protocol Transition' |
Pseudostate | A representation of the model object 'Pseudostate' |
QualifierValue | A representation of the model object 'Qualifier Value' |
RaiseExceptionAction | A representation of the model object 'Raise Exception Action' |
ReadExtentAction | A representation of the model object 'Read Extent Action' |
ReadIsClassifiedObjectAction | A representation of the model object 'Read Is Classified Object Action' |
ReadLinkAction | A representation of the model object 'Read Link Action' |
ReadLinkObjectEndAction | A representation of the model object 'Read Link Object End Action' |
ReadLinkObjectEndQualifierAction | A representation of the model object 'Read Link Object End Qualifier Action' |
ReadSelfAction | A representation of the model object 'Read Self Action' |
ReadStructuralFeatureAction | A representation of the model object 'Read Structural Feature Action' |
ReadVariableAction | A representation of the model object 'Read Variable Action' |
Realization | A representation of the model object 'Realization' |
ReceiveOperationEvent | A representation of the model object 'Receive Operation Event' |
ReceiveSignalEvent | A representation of the model object 'Receive Signal Event' |
Reception | A representation of the model object 'Reception' |
ReclassifyObjectAction | A representation of the model object 'Reclassify Object Action' |
RedefinableElement | A representation of the model object 'Redefinable Element' |
RedefinableTemplateSignature | A representation of the model object 'Redefinable Template Signature' |
ReduceAction | A representation of the model object 'Reduce Action' |
Region | A representation of the model object 'Region' |
Relationship | A representation of the model object 'Relationship' |
RemoveStructuralFeatureValueAction | A representation of the model object 'Remove Structural Feature Value Action' |
RemoveVariableValueAction | A representation of the model object 'Remove Variable Value Action' |
ReplyAction | A representation of the model object 'Reply Action' |
SendObjectAction | A representation of the model object 'Send Object Action' |
SendOperationEvent | A representation of the model object 'Send Operation Event' |
SendSignalAction | A representation of the model object 'Send Signal Action' |
SendSignalEvent | A representation of the model object 'Send Signal Event' |
SequenceNode | A representation of the model object 'Sequence Node' |
Signal | A representation of the model object 'Signal' |
SignalEvent | A representation of the model object 'Signal Event' |
Slot | A representation of the model object 'Slot' |
StartClassifierBehaviorAction | A representation of the model object 'Start Classifier Behavior Action' |
StartObjectBehaviorAction | A representation of the model object 'Start Object Behavior Action' |
State | A representation of the model object 'State' |
StateInvariant | A representation of the model object 'State Invariant' |
StateMachine | A representation of the model object 'State Machine' |
Stereotype | A representation of the model object 'Stereotype' |
StringExpression | A representation of the model object 'String Expression' |
StructuralFeature | A representation of the model object 'Structural Feature' |
StructuralFeatureAction | A representation of the model object 'Structural Feature Action' |
StructuredActivityNode | A representation of the model object 'Structured Activity Node' |
StructuredClassifier | A representation of the model object 'Structured Classifier' |
Substitution | A representation of the model object 'Substitution' |
TemplateableElement | A representation of the model object 'Templateable Element' |
TemplateBinding | A representation of the model object 'Template Binding' |
TemplateParameter | A representation of the model object 'Template Parameter' |
TemplateParameterSubstitution | A representation of the model object 'Template Parameter Substitution' |
TemplateSignature | A representation of the model object 'Template Signature' |
TestIdentityAction | A representation of the model object 'Test Identity Action' |
TimeConstraint | A representation of the model object 'Time Constraint' |
TimeEvent | A representation of the model object 'Time Event' |
TimeExpression | A representation of the model object 'Time Expression' |
TimeInterval | A representation of the model object 'Time Interval' |
TimeObservation | A representation of the model object 'Time Observation' |
Transition | A representation of the model object 'Transition' |
Trigger | A representation of the model object 'Trigger' |
Type | A representation of the model object 'Type' |
TypedElement | A representation of the model object 'Typed Element' |
UMLFactory | The Factory for the model. |
UMLPackage | The Package for the model. |
UMLPackage.Literals | Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type |
UnmarshallAction | A representation of the model object 'Unmarshall Action' |
Usage | A representation of the model object 'Usage' |
UseCase | A representation of the model object 'Use Case' |
ValuePin | A representation of the model object 'Value Pin' |
ValueSpecification | A representation of the model object 'Value Specification' |
ValueSpecificationAction | A representation of the model object 'Value Specification Action' |
Variable | A representation of the model object 'Variable' |
VariableAction | A representation of the model object 'Variable Action' |
Vertex | A representation of the model object 'Vertex' |
WriteLinkAction | A representation of the model object 'Write Link Action' |
WriteStructuralFeatureAction | A representation of the model object 'Write Structural Feature Action' |
WriteVariableAction | A representation of the model object 'Write Variable Action' |
Class Summary | |
UMLPlugin | This is the central singleton for the UML model plugin |
UMLPlugin.DynamicPackageRegistryReader | |
UMLPlugin.GeneratedPackageRegistryReader | |
UMLPlugin.Implementation | The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin |
UMLPlugin.PackageRegistryReader |
Enum Summary | |
AggregationKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Aggregation Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
CallConcurrencyKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Call Concurrency Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
ConnectorKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Connector Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
ExpansionKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Expansion Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
InteractionOperatorKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Interaction Operator Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
MessageKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Message Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
MessageSort | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Message Sort', and utility methods for working with them |
ObjectNodeOrderingKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Object Node Ordering Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
ParameterDirectionKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Parameter Direction Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
ParameterEffectKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Parameter Effect Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
PseudostateKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Pseudostate Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
TransitionKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Transition Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
VisibilityKind | A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Visibility Kind', and utility methods for working with them |
Copyright 2003, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. |